Single-Use Items

What Is The Big Deal About Single-Use Plastics?

SUPs (such as bags, straws, coffee cups, and take out containers) are used for mere seconds to minutes but are made out of material that will last forever. Globally, we produce more than 200 million tonnes of SUPs annually. These items are a big deal because:

1. They are bad for the environment
SUPs are an environmentally damaging, and easily preventable, source of litter, greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. They can become airborne even when properly disposed, ending up littering our urban landscape, and our river valley. They also pose a serious threat to riparian and marine environments and wildlife. 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals – whales, seals and turtles – die from ingestion of, or entanglement in, plastics every year.

2. They are bad for our health
Even when they are no longer obvious to the naked eye, plastic degrades into tiny micro-plastic particles that absorb toxins and contaminate our food chain as well as our water, air and soil. Microplastics have been found in salt, honey, bottled and tap water, shellfish and beer. You are essentially eating and drinking those SUPs!

3. They cost you money
The costs of these one-time use products are passed on in the form of higher prices and increased taxes required for the clean-up and disposal of these items.

4. They waste valuable resources
SUPs are made from a limited supply of non-renewable petroleum sources. You could drive a mile on 14 plastic bags! It is also estimated that plastics will account for 20% of total oil consumption by 2050.

5. Single-use Bag Laws Work
Bans and surcharges have both been proven to be an incredibly effective mechanism to reduce the consumption of SUPs (e.g. a 60-90% reduction for plastic bags).