Waste Free

Waste Free Edmonton is a grassroots, non-profit organization working to significantly reduce the amount of waste created in Edmonton by stopping it at the source. That means producing and consuming less at the front-end, and reusing and repurposing items wherever possible.


Featured Initiatives

Fashion Waste

The textile industry is one of the world’s largest contributors to emissions and waste. Fast fashion floods the market with low-quality goods that release microplastics and end up in landfills. Waste Free Edmonton wants to help address its impacts in Edmonton.


Single-Use Items Bylaw

Since 2018 Waste Free Edmonton has advocated for strong action on single-use items in Edmonton. A bylaw came into effect as of July 1, 2023, but there is still work to be done.


Get Involved

For more information on how you can get involved, or if you or your business are looking for ways to reduce your waste, email us at info@wastefree.ca, or fill out the form below (and add info@wastefree.ca to your contacts to ensure you receive our reply).