The move from plastic or metal garbage bins to automated cart collection can be a jarring one. We’re used to filling our garbage bin on a weekly basis with bagged garbage and familiar with the volume and capacity of our bins. When carts were rolled out and garbage bins became obsolete, many wondered what to do with them — we’ve come up with a list of ideas, with contributions from members of the Waste Free Edmonton community.
Here are 15 things you can do with your old garbage bins.
- Turn it into a Composter
Upcycle your old bin into a backyard composter. Check out this tutorial for more information on how!
Already have a composter? Use it to make leaf mould!
- Store Leaves for Your Compost
A garbage bin is a perfect place to store excess leaves for your compost, keeping them dry and on your property to easily supplement your compost year-round. Make a composter out of one bin and use the other bins to store leaves and other organic waste!
- Store Your Empties
Garbage bins are perfect for storing empty beverage containers for recycling. If you use them for your bottles, you can eliminate the need for plastic bags when bringing them into the depot! Just bring the entire bin with you and empty it there. Bring the empty bin home, give it a rinse, and you’re ready for the next bottle run!
- Collect Rain
Check out this simple DIY for transforming your old bin into a rain barrel! A clever way to keep your bin from going to waste AND cut down on your water bill. Keep it out of direct sunlight to discourage any leaching from the garbage bin!

- Grow Your Own Produce
Use your bin to grow your own produce! Members of our facebook group have grown potatoes and corn in theirs. Do check if the type of plastic is food safe first, and don’t forget to drill drainage holes in the bottom. You can even cut your bin in half and make two mini raised garden beds!
- Keep Firewood Dry & Accessible
Use your bin to keep your firewood dry. Perhaps you already have a dedicated space for firewood that’s a bit inconvenient to get to, but you could use your bin closer to where you will use it and refill as necessary!
- Additional Storage in the Garage / Garden Shed
Garbage bins are great for storing any tall, awkward items. Perfect for holding shovels, rakes, and poles! And not just garden tools — sports equipment (skis, hockey sticks) works great too.

- Transform it into a DIY Cat Shelter
Edmonton winters get really cold, and the strays will be thanking you big time for this one. Insulate your bin and use it as a cat shelter; you can find lots of DIY tutorials like this one online.
- Recycling Container
Just because your bin was intended for garbage, doesn’t mean that’s all it can hold! Why not use it to store your recycling that you put out for pick up? Remember to put it in a blue bag!
- Transport Loose Items
Your old bin could save you tons of trouble next time you head to the Eco Station to pick up free mulch! Load it up in the garbage bin to keep it contained.

- Blend Your Soil
If every spring you find yourself mixing fifty tiny batches of soil blends because you just don’t have a big enough container… this one’s for you! Use your old bin to mix your soil in the spring, or even to store your soil all year long.
- Flip it Upside Down!
If you are out working in the yard or garden and find you are in need of some counter space or a raised, flat surface, you might find that your bin is actually quite handy! Flip it upside down and use the bottom of it for some extra working space.
- Mouse-proof Bird Seed Container
If mice have a way of finding your bird seed or grass seed over the winter, your old garbage bin might be just what you need to keep them out! Store any such items with the lid sealed to keep critters at bay.

- Give Bins to Someone New
Remember, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure! If you still have no use (or perhaps, no space!) for your old garbage bin, try to rehome it. If none of your friends or family members are interested, post it in your local Buy Nothing group, list it on Marketplace, Kijiji, or donate it to a second hand shop. Someone else is just waiting to get their hands on it! As always, when passing an item on to a new person, it is important to clean or mend it beforehand.
- Bring it to the Eco Station
As a last resort, make sure your bins are taken care of properly. Dispose of your old garbage bins at the Eco Station or wherever facilities exist. Learn more here.
Many of these ideas were pulled from members of the Waste Free Edmonton Group on facebook and from comments on our “Wheel Conversations” post about garbage bins. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed and shared their ideas!