Talking Permaculture with Kaz Haykowsky

Kaz Haykowsky was one of the owners of Spruce Permaculture, a local landscape design firm that brought sustainable, restorative landscapes to front yards and green spaces around Edmonton. Permaculture is a way of thinking about the environment that embraces the connections between humans and nature. Waste Free Edmonton interviewed Kaz to learn more about permaculture, its relationship to waste reduction, and how permaculture concepts can be incorporated into everyday lifestyles.

Andrew: Let’s start with the basics: could you tell me a bit about permaculture?

Kaz: I like to describe permaculture as a system of design that is inspired by nature, by patterns we see in nature, and how nature solves problems. Permaculture can be applied to ecological, physical systems like water or food catchment systems, but it can also be applied to social systems like communities and families. It’s an all-encompassing worldview, almost like a philosophy for approaching life.

It’s important to mention that permaculture originates in Indigenous thinking and teachings, that close relationship with land and nature lifecycles. A lot of people think that permaculture originated from a couple Australians, but they were inspired and drew a lot of their learning from Indigenous Australians, and how they live in harmony with nature and became a part of the cycles and patterns around them. Permaculture in its best, truest form is really Indigenous knowledge, and there’s a debt of gratitude to Indigenous peoples for preserving that knowledge over generations.

A: Are there any Indigenous practices that Canadians have adopted that we might not recognize as permaculture?

K: I think a lot of permaculture we interact with as settler Canadians is the kind of packaged permaculture taught to us by permaculture teachers and design courses. It can be difficult to see permaculture when practiced in other ways, but we could look to Central or South American Indigenous peoples that practice burning of the forests to control the successional cycles of the forests, participating in the lifecycles of the forest, supporting the growth of food for humans but also ecology and niches for a broad range of animals and plants, so that generationally these people manage the forests. The same is true here on the plains and aspen parkland of Treaty 6, where Indigenous people actively managed the bison across the plains and the grasslands by actively burning or by harvesting food ecosystems. When settlers first arrived here, unbeknownst to them, they were stepping into a managed ecosystem in which humans were a part.

A: I’ve seen people treating the reintroduction of bison to their traditional habitats as not just returning the species, but using them to further develop the ecosystem around, recognizing that the animals can benefit their ecosystem in a way humans can’t.

K: It’s valuable not just because it’s a bison, but because it becomes interlinked into this web, where it’s connected with the grasses, with the birds, with the water, and with building food-healthy soil, sequestering water and carbon. If you think about the bison on the plains, the bison didn’t exist without a relationship with Indigenous peoples. You can’t just have bison in isolation from all those systems, including the human system. It’s a crucial mindset to have when we think about how we can make the way we live more in harmony with these cycles. I think there’s a connection there with waste, in that our current waste system is linear, and we need to close that cycle before it’s too late.

A: What experiences drove you to permaculture? Culturally, I don’t think it’s a part of our education system or how we were reared to grow up in a consumeristic world — when did the unlearning begin?

K: For me, my family has always been pretty close to the land. In the last few generations my family has been living in Edmonton, but before then, my family were Ukrainian immigrants who arrived here in the late 1800s and started farming north of Edmonton. They were some of those first settlers who turned these ecosystems into monocultures, and over the past few generations my family has become city dwellers, but I’ve always had a garden.

My father really taught me how to garden and the beauty of taking food out of the garden and preparing it for a family right out of the land. I was always enchanted by that. So I was gardening from the moment I could walk. That was the beginning of my education and this connection with the land. When I went to university my degree initially was in botany, and I decided I didn’t want to be a scientist so I moved into political science and then human geography. It was the intersection of those disciplines, thinking about plant science and politics and how we relate to power and physical space; I didn’t realize at the time, but that is permaculture. Later on, some old friends of mine, Andy and Marcie came up to me with this idea, “we’ve got this idea to practice permaculture in people’s yards, more people need to be doing this”, and I drove right in. I didn’t have my permaculture design certificate at the time, I’d really only watched YouTube videos about permaculture, but I thought this was something I needed to be doing and I’ve been doing it for the past five years.

A: How would you say permaculture is connected to waste reduction?

K: I think waste is intimately connected with permaculture. Waste is an amazing starting point to think about permaculture. There’s this metaphor of a forest, where if you walk through a forest, there is no “waste” in a forest. The only waste you’ll see in a forest is the Coke can someone left or a plastic bag that’s blown in that humans have left behind, but in a functioning ecosystem, nothing is wasted. Everything is plugged back into those cycles. The waste that a tree produces, you can hardly call it waste, because it’s the stuff of life for the fungi that live on the forest floor or the excess seeds from the tree that become the winter sustenance for the mice and voles that live in the forest. Humans, in the last few hundred years, have become very good at producing waste. We haven’t remembered the lessons that nature has taught us for millennia, that you have a responsibility for the things you create from when you create it to when it’s disposed. You can make your waste not a liability to something else, but a gift. A tree that sheds its leaves doesn’t do that to mess up someone’s backyard, it’s a gift to the soil and the creatures that live on the ground, which benefits the tree. Thinking about waste is a great inspiration to start permaculture, because it’s about creating yields out of waste of connecting needs out of the waste that’s being produced.

A: Home composting is one way for people to reduce waste in their own ecosystem — what are some other ways people can apply permaculture principles to their own lives?

K: There’s a thought experiment in permaculture — a needs and yields analysis. It often comes up in permaculture, and it’s the idea of assessing any element in your system and finding out what it needs in order to thrive, and what it produces, whether it’s a net positive or a liability. Then you balance it out, connect elements in your system in a way that reduces or eliminates waste and work. Work is a waste of time — forests don’t have waste, and forests don’t have work. That’s the way we should be interacting with our ecological systems.

In a needs and yields analysis, you can think about anything in your yard. Something like the roof of your house — what does it yield? It yields shelter, heat mass, but it also collects water. When that water flows through your eavestroughs and down along your house, that can be a liability if it doesn’t get far enough away from your house. It could get into your foundation, unsettling your house, or activating your sump pump, which is waste. You can then turn that liability into a positive, collecting that water into a rain barrel near your house. It’s something we worked with quite a bit at Spruce Permaculture, creating water catchment systems. We also avoided buying any new plastic products, we were always digging landscape fabrics out of people’s gardens or collecting cardboard out of recycling bins and talking to shippers and receivers to get their cardboard. We were probably some of the only people leaving the Eco Station or recycling depot with more garbage than we came in with. Those were free resources that would otherwise be landfilled and was a really satisfying way of plugging waste back into the system.

A: On the topic of gardens, what do you think about weeds in a permaculture landscape?

K: Weeds are kind of a contentious issue in the world of permaculture. You always want to begin with long, protracted observation before you go in and change something.  You walk around a yard and see a lot of creeping bellflower or purple loosestrife, something considered a noxious weed by the city or province. But what is that weed trying to tell you? What is it telling you about the soil, how it’s been worked with in the past? These plants are not nefarious, they are making an existence on this land, doing the best they can and filling a niche.

Some permaculturists might say that plant has as much a right to be there as anything else, so can you find a yield for it? Or is it so much of a liability that it does need to be converted, how can you make that process a regenerative one, turning that weed into something else. We can learn something about the growing conditions — maybe a site has a lot of water, so you try to grow something that outcompetes the weed. You accept the feedback and learn how best to use that part of the garden.

A: One final question for Waste Free Edmonton — why is waste reduction important to you personally?

K: Waste is one of the biggest products of our lives, if we really think about what humans make today — so few of us are actually making real, tangible things, but we are making a lot of waste and we need to take responsibility for it. It doesn’t have to be a nasty or bitter sort of thing, it can be inspiring to think about your waste, because our waste is one of the main ways we interact with our ecology whether we think about it or not. The waste we produce is probably our greatest impact on our land. By taking ownership of that, it can actually be quite empowering.

When we eat, when we live in our homes, when we give gifts to each other or ourselves — by doing that, are we leaving scars on the land? Are we mining the tops of mountains, deforesting ancient forests, drawing or poisoning water that’s been clean for millennia? Or, when we do those necessary human things, can we leave the land better, can we heal the wounds we’ve left? When the food we eat no longer sustains us or the home we live in doesn’t support us, does that become a scar on the land and lead to more pain or suffering? Or can that plug back in and become something valuable to ourselves and others?

To me, thinking about waste reduction and interacting with the land differently is almost an ethical or spiritual practice. It’s a beautiful relationship to be in, to own our capacity to be good actors in the world by living our lives. Waste reduction should be a joyful process, otherwise humans aren’t going to do it. Like composting: it shouldn’t be a chore, it should be fun and regenerative, doing it in communities and together. If we can start to do some of these things together and make them rewarding, we’ll have a much easier time addressing our problems of waste.

Permaculture can be implemented on a range of levels, from micro to macro. Whether it’s looking at your garden more critically or the way you consume resources from your broader environment, the lessons to be learned from permaculture are applicable to numerous concepts in your daily life.


Permaculture Action Network

Permaculture – Wikipedia

The Indigenous Science of Permaculture – KCET

Permaculture Magazine

Ecobricking As Meditative Waste Diversion

We’re always talking amongst ourselves at Waste Free Edmonton about waste free tips, new evolutions in waste management, or cool ideas to reduce waste. A mention of an ecobrick drew my attention and drove me to investigate more. An unremarkable plastic bottle like any other I see in the grocery store, filled to the brim with a patchwork of overlapping scraps of colourful plastic. Ecobricks seemed like an interesting way to divert the amount of unrecyclable plastic I throw away, and the tools I needed to start were (mostly) things I already had.

Ecobricks are a way to minimize the environmental impact of plastic. By encasing small amounts of unrecyclable plastic in a sealed container, it keeps the plastic garbage out of a landfill, natural environment, or animal’s stomach. It can also prevent the leaching of microplastics into waterways. Not only that, but with enough ecobricks, larger structures and objects can be assembled and built!

The method is simple. Clean and dry unrecyclable plastic, cut it into smaller pieces, stuff it in a plastic bottle, and pack it down with a long stick. Rotate the bottle as you tamp it down to have an even distribution of plastic around the bottle. Once you can’t fit any more plastic inside and the bottle feels solid to the touch (or weigh it), cap it and you’re done.

The last natural environment this plastic bottle would experience.

Planning started weeks ahead, with the collection of the unrecyclable plastic. I hung onto chip bags, peeled labels off containers, and put aside the occasional candy wrappers. The journey also started with a bit of irony — to have an ecobrick, I needed a plastic bottle. Buying a one litre bottle of sparkling water that I otherwise wouldn’t. I aimed for a one litre, cylindrical bottle that would be an even building block, with no sloping sides, etching, or raised type. Another thing I had to remember was not to throw away the lid, a hard habit to break.

Once I had an empty bottle, a heap of plastic, and a long dowel, I was ready to go. It was amazing to see a big bag of plastic food bags and labels, occupying a large volume when I put them aside for an ecobrick, gradually get crushed into a smaller space without any real effort. I began to worry that I might not have enough plastic to fill the ecobrick with.

Cutting up all the plastic was also a meditative experience. It made me think about a number of things:

  • While I didn’t make the plastic, I did purchase it. Was there a plastic free alternative I could have chosen instead?
  • There were nonrecyclable plastic labels from recyclable containers. Is a product truly recyclable if not all of its components can be recycled?
When fully packed down, the contents of this bottle are only a couple centimetres high!

There are a few ways to determine whether your ecobrick is finished: squeezing the bottle to test your grip strength, putting weight on it to see if the bottle bends, or simply eyeballing it. Once it’s done, just cap it! Having gotten used to the feel of an empty plastic bottle over the last couple decades, the heft of a completed ecobrick is something totally new.


Cleaning plastic was tougher than I thought. At the beginning, I would swish hot, soapy water around the bag to clean it out. As it dried, I realized that wasn’t enough. There was always grease and salt left behind. I began inverting the bags and wiping down the inside with a cloth, cleaning and drying them at the same time.

The bottom of the ecobrick is the trickiest part. Much like actual construction, you need to start off with a solid base. In this context, finding the right plastic was critical. If the plastic was too large, it would be harder to tamp down with my dowel, and I didn’t cut my plastic small enough on my first attempt. I chose candy wrappers on my second try, which are small, hard plastic, consistently sized, and in enough quantity to ensure symmetry all around the base.

A finished ecobrick, When squeezed, there will be no give and be solid to the touch.

I learned some important lessons in the making of my first ecobrick.

Unrecyclable plastic is far more common than I previously believed. Maybe it’s because we dispose of unrecyclable plastic so quickly, while recyclable plastic lingers in our blue bag for longer, but forcing myself to hang on to chip bags and wrappers made me look at my role in bringing them into my house more critically. I was diverting plastic away from the trash, but not exactly reducing my consumption.

Creating an ecobrick uses a lot of unrecyclable plastic, and cutting it all up takes time. Seeing familiar brands over and over grew as tiring as the repeated snip of the scissors. Major brands like Coca-Cola, Nestle, Loblaws weren’t helping me pack my ecobrick, they were making more disposable plastics that are intended to be landfilled.

It was a fun exercise, was an introduction into a new way to divert unrecyclable plastic waste, and I may make another one. But at the same time, the best outcome would be no ecobrick at all, in a future where plastic is used responsibly and not polluting our environment.


Wikipedia – Ecobricks

Our 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

Talus image: © Dwayne Martineau/Laughing Dog Photography

2020 has been a ridiculous year, one where keeping up with the sheer pace of the news cycle was an achievement in itself. It will be defined forever by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on, well, everything. It’s only in hindsight that we will be able to reflect on its impacts in other areas, particularly waste. There have been glimmers of hope for a waste free future though, and the growing consensus against waste at multiple levels of society and government have been promising to watch.

Here are some of our hopes and resolutions for a 2021 that has to be better.

  1. No more delays on SUP legislation.

2020, for as bad as it was, had mixed messages on the topic of banning single-use plastics. While Edmonton’s progress on the SUP bylaw has been paused, the federal government’s announcement of a 2021 ban was both promising and a reminder that reducing plastic waste should be on the radar of every government. However, banning single-use plastics ‘by the end of 2021’ is vague enough that we expect to be holding governments accountable for their promises. We hope that won’t be the case.

  1. International waste legislation

Our SUP framework will help government officials with their planning and decision making for similar SUP bylaws in their jurisdictions. The best way to achieve waste reduction is through a network of overlapping laws that provide knowledge and experience for other cities and countries looking to reduce waste. The European Union has us beat with a tax on unrecyclable plastic that went live on January 1st! Bans, taxes, and other prohibitions will help stamp out plastic waste slowly, but surely. It’s up to us to use these advances to help waste reduction efforts in Edmonton.

Waste Free Edmonton’s 2018 appearance in Devon.
  1. More opportunities for collaboration, dialogue

We’ve been able to work on communicating the need for waste reduction through our social media and digital meetups, but just being in the same room as someone, talking about waste, hearing and listening how it affects someone and their community provides that energy to push for greater change. We want more community events, repair cafes, field trips, anything to help further integrate waste reduction into our everyday lives.

  1. Continued moves towards local economies

For years, we spoke against online shopping from an emissions standpoint — how much CO₂ was released into the atmosphere to ship that parcel to your door? But Amazon worker strikes helped shed more light on the negative results of mass consumerism and pushed more individuals to think, shop, and act locally. Acknowledging the benefits of circular economies, freecycling, bartering, and local connectivity helps reduce waste and foster community.

  1. A healthy Edmonton

COVID-19’s effects on Edmonton have been painful, and we’re all looking forward to a regression and elimination of the pandemic. As exciting as the recent news on vaccines has been, we don’t know the logistics of vaccination, how it’s going to be implemented in Edmonton, and how long the process will take. What we do know is that there’s no waste reduction without Edmontonians to achieve it. We need to keep our community as healthy as possible in 2021.

Adrienne Is The Avant Gardener

Adrienne is the entrepreneur behind The Avant Gardener, one of Edmonton’s few sellers of red wigglers. Vermicomposting is the science of using worms to break down organic matter and is a quick way to reduce food waste while generating fantastic compost for your garden. I visited Adrienne to hear about her vermicomposting business and how she reduces waste.

Pulling up to her property, I marked its owner as having a green thumb immediately. Her house is ribboned with plants and greenery, vegetables and herbs planted wherever there’s room for a pot. Her backyard is also her headquarters for the Avant Gardener, with worm factories dotted throughout. We crack open a bottle of homemade rhubarb wine and start our chat. 

“I worked in community gardens for a few years and was constantly running out of good soil for my plants,” she says. “Learning about vermicomposting was amazing. It solved my need for healthy soil and improved my plants at the same time.”

Composting is a simple, natural science that has existed for millions of years. The right proportion of greens (wet, nitrogen-rich materials) and browns (dry, carbon-rich materials) exposed to air and water will break down organic matter. Adding red wigglers — a specific kind of worm, not every earthworm has this ability — into this mix speeds up the process considerably. When Adrienne heard how quickly the addition of worms helps break down organic matter, she dove into vermicomposting wholeheartedly.

“I started home vermicomposting in 2015, started selling excess worms in 2016, and joined the Master Composter Recycler program in 2018. It’s been a lot of fun going out and talking to people about worms and waste.”

Snoots the pug is at my feet, receiving skritches and splooting in the grass during a hot summer night. Adrienne laughs. “He’s a great help.”

Snoots the pug reclines in the grass
Snoots keeps a watchful eye on the decomposition

We’ve only talked about the positives to vermicomposting — I ask her what issues she’s had, if any, with worms?

“I was worried about my worm bin at the start. Is it too big, too small, are there enough holes, things like that. I kept searching for answers on the internet, which left me more confused. But my compost mentor told me a valuable quote:

“If you’ve seen one worm bin, you’ve seen one worm bin.”

“It reminded me that worm composting is supposed to be less fuss and more fun. Soil ecology is a complex and fascinating science, it’s easier to observe and relate with the simple hands-on approach. Your bin has to work for you.”

She walks me through her backyard, pointing out her worm factories nestled between, underneath, and around blooming flowers and rapidly-growing vegetables. She points out kale, potatoes, chard, tomatoes, cucumbers — too many to mention. “All my plants are fed with worm castings. Just throw a handful into your garden!” She opens up a nearby factory, skims some castings off the top, and lobs them into a pot of peppers.

Adrienne shows us a worm factory
Adrienne shows off a worm factory

“It’s no longer unusual to hear someone say they have a box of worms helping break down their food scraps. It’s an inexpensive project, and you might already have everything you need except the worms.”

Adrienne lifts a handful of worms
Adrienne lifts a handful of worms

Adrienne’s hands are dusted with dirt and castings, but this is Adrienne at her most comfortable. Her story is one that stands out for how ordinary it is; we all have desires to reduce our carbon footprint or address the environmental problems in our day-to-day lives. Hers were solved using vermicomposting, and with a little research, yours can too.

Adrienne’s worms, worm tea, and worm castings are available to purchase today! Her contact information is below.

The Avant Gardener

P: 780-238-1237

Vermicomposting Resources

10 Ways You Can Reduce Waste While Camping

Getting outside and enjoying the outdoors this summer doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment. As we book campsites and start packing for weekend getaways, thinking of how we can reduce our consumption and cut back on plastic waste we generate will make for a smaller, eco-friendly camping excursion. Let’s keep our memories and mementos of trips in our hearts and minds and not in a landfill.

1. Opt for reusable plates and cutlery rather than disposables. 

There’s no need to buy new. It is super affordable / achievable to camp with reusables. You can use what you already have, buy second hand goods, borrow from a friend, or invest in a quality set of packable cutlery.

2. Plan your ice strategy.

There are a couple ways to prepare ice that avoid that thick plastic bag.

Search for a locally-owned restaurant and give them a call. Ask if you could purchase some ice from them and if they could fill your cooler. 

Also invest in some good-quality, reusable ice packs, and make your own ice a few days ahead of time.

3. Skip the paper towels and sani-wipes, use rags instead.

Any single-use paper products or one-time wipes just add waste when perfectly good alternatives exist. You have rags and cloths around your home just waiting to tag along on the trip, and you can allocate them however you wish: rags for clean-up, dish cloths for doing dishes, tea towels for drying dishes, and hang on a line to dry!

 It’s always important to use biodegradable soap for all these activities while camping, especially if there’s no place to dump gray water.

4. Reuse non-recyclable/non-reusable food packaging to collect your waste.

Planning for waste free camping can start long before the actual event. For those times when you need a bag to collect waste, don’t go out and buy more bags, use the few bags you might have on hand, like chip or cereal bags. 

Purchasing more plastic bags only increases the demand and the market for plastic. Use what you already have!

5. Use a single large water jug instead of smaller bottles.

Single-use plastic bottles are an inefficient way of toting around water at a campsite. Use a 15-25L water jug with a pump and refill smaller containers as needed. Better yet, the jug can also be recycled at the end of its lifespan.

6. Prep your food at home.

Plan a meal schedule for your trip based on the length of your stay and your resources. Give yourself some options for each meal on each day and then make it! Creating food from home avoids the need to purchase food wrapped in plastic that only adds to the waste you have to dispose of.

7. Pack your food in reusable jars/containers.

Now that you’ve made your food, how are you going to transport it?

Use watertight containers to prevent your food from becoming soggy as your ice melts. Reusable containers also allow you to save leftovers — a lot tougher to do with flimsy plastic!

Also, consider the sizes of your containers and whether they’re in line with what you need. If you know you only use 1 litre of milk, don’t bring the 2 litre carton — pour liquids and other foods into more appropriate vessels.

8. Don’t buy your firewood in plastic packaging.

Many campgrounds have a wood pile available on site. Be sure to call and ask ahead of time and save yourself the work. 

Many farmers or acreages often sell firewood on the side of the road without packaging. Keep an eye out for signs and numbers!

Finally, check classifieds like Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace in your area or your destination.

9. Carpool

If possible and if safe to do so, carpool to lower your carbon footprint. If not, coordinate among your fellow campers to minimize stops for other needs.

10. Leave your site better than how you found it.

Don’t “waste” the opportunity to beautify and show respect for our parks and environment! Take care of our natural sites and they will take care of you.

Any camper knows what you pack in, you pack out. But sometimes this isn’t always the case. When you go camping, be aware that you might need to tidy up after the last visitors or more! Be the best guest you can be.

Camping is one of those incredible activities that’s adaptable to all ages and abilities, and investing in good waste free tools and practices is something that will last generations!
Visit Alberta Parks for more information on camping in Alberta.