Lawn Transformation Campaign

We live in a lawn-obsessed culture. But why, when the evidence is clear that the harms outweigh the benefits? 

While there are some uses for lawns (e.g. sports fields, playgrounds) we simply have too much of this monoculture carpet.

The reality is that standard lawn care practices create a lot of waste, require a lot of water, and often use harmful pesticides and fertilizers. They also deplete soil health, biodiversity and carbon-sequestration capacity. Standard lawn care equipment also create noise and air pollution, including GHG emissions. There are also human health, human rights, and equity issues associated with lawn care, as many companies employ low-income and immigrant populations, who are inequitably exposed to harmful pesticides and air pollutants.

This initiative seeks to contribute towards a vision of biodiverse and regenerative landscapes that sequester carbon, supports pollinators, native species and the growth of healthy, local food that contributes to food security and sovereignty.

This initiative is a collaboration between Waste Free Edmonton and many other partner organizations, businesses, experts and grassroots organizers who are doing amazing work in implementing alternative solutions that are transforming yards across Edmonton/Amiskaciwâskahikan/ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ. 

How can you get involved?

We invite you to connect with us and our partners to find out how you can help. In particular, we are looking for individuals to fill the following positions:

Lawn Transition Manager + Outreach Coordinator (Held as co-position)

  • Responsibilities:
    • Build relationships with organizations and businesses in Edmonton region doing work in this area;
    • In collaboration with the Lawn Campaign Director and other partner organizations, develop campaign direction and policy asks;
    • In collaboration with the Lawn Campaign Director, recruit, train, oversee and direct the work of an outreach and engagement team working to educate Edmontonians and local lawn care and landscaping companies about the impacts of traditional lawn care and more sustainable alternatives;
    • Plan and host events that enable collaboration and education on the issue of lawn and yard waste and sustainable alternatives.
    • Identify relevant events external that the yard transition team should attend and coordinate team members’ attendance at those events.
  • Preferred Skills:
    • Ability to build strong relationships with new people and organizations;
    • Existing relationships with other relevant organizations and businesses in this arena;
    • Familiarity with Waste Free Edmonton and its mandate;
    • Knowledge of environmental and social justice issues, including the reasons traditional lawn care practices are problematic and the benefits of alternatives;
    • Strong organizational skills;
    • Strong communication skills;
    • Ability to work independently and be self-motivated;
    • Business Acumen.
  • Time Commitment:
    •  2-4 hours per week 

Lawn Transition Outreach and Engagement Volunteers

  • Responsibilities:
    • Under the supervision of the Lawn Campaign Manager, engage in various outreach activities (e.g. event attendance, door-to-door canvasing) to educate the public and businesses about the impacts of traditional lawn care practices and the benefits of implementing more sustainable alternatives.
  • Preferred Skills:
    • Ability to build strong relationships with new people and organizations;
    • Familiarity with Waste Free Edmonton and its mandate;
    • Knowledge of environmental and social justice issues, including the reasons traditional lawn care practices are problematic and the benefits of alternatives;
    • Strong communication skills;
    • Ability to work independently and be self-motivated.
  • Time Commitment
    • 2-5 hours a week

Lawn Transition Communications Strategist

  • Responsibilities:
    • Assist the Communications Manager in creating, editing, reviewing, and managing all published content (images, video and written material); 
    • Develop content to be included on the Waste Free Edmonton website, newsletter, and social media;
    • Work with leadership team to ensure content is consistent with Waste Free Edmonton’s mission and objectives;
    • Assist in conducting online advocacy and opening a stream for cross-promotions;
    • Assist in developing and expanding community outreach efforts;
    • Assist in creating and managing promotions and social ad campaigns; 
    • Assist with updating our content editorial calendar to manage content and plan specific, timely marketing campaigns; and,
    • Availability to attend and capture some of our events live is considered an asset.
  • Preferred Skills:
    • Post-secondary education in Communications or a related discipline (equivalent combinations of education and experience may be considered);
    • Experience with Meta Business or other similar platforms;
    • Familiarity with Waste Free Edmonton and its mandate; and
    • Knowledge of environmental and social justice issues, including the reasons traditional lawn care practices are problematic and the benefits of alternatives.
  • Time Commitment:
    • 2-5 hours/week

Yard Transition Graphic Designer

  • Responsibilities:
    • Develop visual content that can be shared on our website, social media and at events to convey key messages and concepts related to the lawn campaign;
    • Work with the Lawn Campaign Manager and Communications Manager to ensure content supports our communications objectives and is consistent with Waste Free Edmonton’s mission;
  • Preferred Skills:
    • Post-secondary education in graphic design or a related discipline (equivalent combinations of education and experience may be considered).
    • Familiarity with Waste Free Edmonton and its mandate.
    • Knowledge of environmental and social justice issues, including the reasons traditional lawn care practices are problematic and the benefits of alternatives.
  • Time Commitment: 
    • 2-5 hours/week

To learn more please contact the Lawn Campaign Director: